Don't be too happy, I went there to work not vacation but still BALI whiii~iiiii and will be working with my best friend, WW, yaaaaay!!!
It started when we chat on Wednesday, 3rd of August, she said she got a lot of works, too much for her to handle them by herself and I just asked her if I can gave her a hand. She though it was a fantastic ideas! I would be the perfect person and she just pitched the idea to her boss. She said don't hang up hope too high, their company were on tight budget, hiring new graphic designer wasn't on their plan.
I got the answer around 3 PM the next day. The money was okay, but less than I expected and I had to pay my own plane tickets but the hell, I miss my best friend and hanging out with her \(^o^)/ yaaaay \(^o^)/ the timing was perfect, I already finished almost all the datelines for my next month freelance jobs, only remain a few, but I'm sure there won't be any trouble, I hoped hahaha
Since I didn't know how long the project will take time, so I just bought one way ticket. I got 5 days to compile all my remaining jobs before leaving Jakarta to Bali. I called and begged all the writers to give me some stories so I can make some illustrations. Some did, some couldn't make it, oh well, couldn't blame them. I also need new portable hard drive to take some of my artworks but then my other friend lend me his, so I won't need to buy a new one \(^o^)/ yaaaay \(^o^)/ thank you PC!
I worked like lunatic for the last 3 days, lack of sleep but still had a lot of energy because of all the excitement hahaha I didn't know how many clothes that I should pack for a month. WW said we will be working at her house (oh yeah, I will be sleeping at her mom's room ^^) but there will be some time when we had to go to the office and worked there.
Well then, 5 homey t-shirts and shorts, 5 office blouses, 1 jeans, 2 shorts, 2 floral dresses, 2 night gowns, 1 cardigan, 1 jacket, 2 flip flops and 2 ballet shoes should be okay. All 18.2kg hahaha and oh, I brought my pen mouse since I'm not comfortable with ordinary mouse.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Here we go...
Arrived at the airport too early and had to wait 2-3 hours before they're boarding. I'm bored and hungry so I had to eat something and I didn't know that I can get out from the boarding room so I ate at the cafeteria. Oh boy, oh boy, never, ever, eat at domestic departure CGK's cafeteria, it's a ripped off!!! 1 menu set of lousy soto betawi and white rice with teh botol was Rp 50.000,-
Ah crap, I should've asked the price before order them, my mistake haizzz...
The plane was on time, I slept for most of the flight and woke up 30 mins before landing. WW picked me up and we were cheering like crazy hahaha my first surprise at Bali, WW could drive a car wuuuw!!! WW that always give wrong direction on the road, WW that always get lost at Jakarta, WW that smashed her boyfriend's car (now already become her husband) can really drive!!! Amazing! =))
First stop, she took me to enjoy sate penyu (tortoise satay) which was not really a tortoise meat. Since they became extinct animals, people changed it into pork, but the name remain the same.
very juicy and very very spicy and very delicious
I told WW that I couldn't still believe that I'm in Bali. I never had the courage to leave my mum alone in such a long time. I never experienced to live by myself in such a long time. Well, technically, I will be living with WW but still, I had to take care of myself. All just happened so fast hahaha WW then took me to the beach, double six, so I can really land my feet, feel the sands and the sea and realized that I AM really in Bali hahaha
it's real, the sands is real, the sea is real, i'm really in bali \(^o^)/
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
I worked with WW's macbook which had broken battery, so they had be to plugged all the time. Still not sure what to do. WW showed me the mood board and told me to draw anything. I drew anything but still not sure exactly what to do and she couldn't show me some examples until she finished her meanwhile project.
Second surprise was the fact that WW now also can cook hahaha and her foods taste yum ;9
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Went to WW's office which was not far from her house. A very nice place. Many clothes samples, mood boards here and there, fitting room at one of the corner, books, etc. Lovely :)
I had other friend that moved to Bali and works at the same company as WW early this year, Sin. Sin was working with me at the same company in Jakarta, she also my senior in university. Her working colleague in Bali, Tik, also her univ colleague in Jakarta. Hahaha complicated?
Ok, Sin and Tik was the first to graduate from our univ's art major, 2 years later was me and WW. The first one to go to Bali was Tik then WW then Sin and now me, only for a month as a freelancer. Tik already knew from WW that I was coming. But I told her not to tell Sin. I wanted to surprise her.
WW office was on the first floor and Tik&Sin's office was on the third. Tik called Sin to get down to the first floor coz there was some problems. I hid inside the fitting room. Sin came down, sounded worried and Tik told her to talk to WW, WW told her to go to the fitting room. As she approached the fitting room, I blurred out and "boo" her. She was really surprise. She was laughing at first but then she cried. Either she was very happy to see me or she's frustrated that I also followed her to Bali hahaha
Anyway, we had lunch at Kedaton, a cafeteria specialty in Bali's food and the four of us talked for hours before headed back to work.
After work, me and WW went to local supermarket to buy groceries. It called Papaya, small but cozy, really like them. They had many Korean and Chinese products but mostly Japanese. They also had bento, sushi, sashimi and other fried foods or salads to take away.
they gave 40% discount after 9 PM, so they always make new foods everyday, to keep them fresh
They shared place with cake and bakery shop, Komugi. Look at those pile of breads and strip of cakes, I've tried some of them, their bread were fluffy and their cake were very soft and not too sweet, me likey.
Friday, 12 August 2011
WW finished her last project, now we can concentrated on our new project. Hope we could make it in time.
We had dinner at Warung Italia. The light was dim and I couldn't take a pictures without making them blur. I also forgot to take the picture of my food because I was too hungry, but I still remembered them. I had tomatoes and steamed spinach with vinegar, roasted potatoes with rosemary, and octopus salad. I loooove the octopus salad and always order them every time I went to Warung Italia.
As for dessert hohoho usually WW orders Seadas and I order Tiramisu but that night I wanted to try something else. Focaccia di Nutella.

tiramisu and seadas ala watung italia (taken from my last visit to bali)
focaccia di nutella
That thing was... another slice of heaven... The focaccia was crispy and crunchy. The cream was light. The nutella was gooooooooooooood... Anything with nutella is always good hahaha
Saturday, 13 August 2011
I always wanted to go to Waterbom Bali but every time I went to Bali, everybody though that we could explore another side of Bali rather than just played inside the water park since it was too expensive and would take a whole day just to have fun.
But I finally went there woo-hooo!!!
Before that, WW and I had lunch at The Black Canyon restaurant at Discovery Mall. Very interesting restaurant I might say. The name and the logo was very wild wild west but they specialized at thai food.
a pale and plain chicken pad thai
a fresh and crunchy papaya salad

the restaurant was facing the sea so you'll get this nice view if you sit at the outer side of the restaurant
Time to splishing and splashing \(^o^)/ yaaaay \(^o^)/
Waterbom Bali was very clean, no wonder they were very expensive. And the people there was really friendly. They always smile and greet and even chat with you. Since I looked chinese, some of them said "ni hao", some said "konnichiwa" or "annyeonghaseyo" but most just said hello. It was really nice to hear that.
The waterbom was really crowded. WW and I changed into our swimming suit and walked around to find some bench with shade. We found one near Kiddy Park.

the giant barrel pour some water every 5 minutes
We put our towels and flip flops to mark our spot then went to my fave ride...
the lazy river
After that WW told me that she only like this 1 ride, Boomerang. She was too afraid to try another rides but I'm pretty sure she was just too lazy to climb all those stairs hahaha. So basically to ride Boomerang best with 2 people. We climbed up then slide down very fast to catch up some speed that needed to push us another way up before went down. Well, hope the picture could explained it better than me.
boomerang is the tosca one, the orange is superbowl
We tried The Superbowl once and then WW back to our seat and read a book while I explored the rest of the rides. I couldn't remembered what kind of rides that I tried but I think I ride them all, or at least I tried hehehe some were close for maintenance and some... I just couldn't find which entrance to which rides hahaha

the sled mats and double swimming rings
the circling pipelines
the straight and wavy tracks
I went back and forth The Lazy River between each rides that I tried. And I also took time to walk around the waterbom.
the pleasure pool
the food outlets
the fish spa
the beautiful carved stones
the silly coconut sculpture
Good time flied fast, it's already 5 PM and it's time to waterbom to close. I got wrinkled fingertips, tanned skin, wet hair, a little bit bruised feet since I was running around without my flip flops but not to forget a lot of fun \(^o^)/
our newly bought hat that wasn't do much good for me and WW ;p
We was really really hungry and WW took me to a Mexico restaurant, Mojo's Burrito. And went nuts when order the food, 1 beef burrito, 1 chicken diablo, and 1 nachos and we couldn't finished the nachos hahaha
love the colors and the choice of furnitures
big plate of chicken nachos
delicious mojo's beef burrito
100% cyan and 100% yellow
Even though our stomach was full, we still went to Gourmet Cafe to buy desserts hihihi sorry, we couldn't help it, we just couldn't resist yummy sweets ;p
love their macaroons
funny signboard in front of the cafe
Went home and then Sin came to pick me up. She could drive a motorcycle now. Another surprise for me. Looks like everybody achieved something by living in Bali. I'm really impressed. Like other migrant workers, Sin was renting a room. Her place was spacious but a little bit humid. She borrowed her friend's sleeping bag and rolled it on the floor. Then we just talked a lot about this and that until we both felt sleepy. Hoaaaaaem...
Sunday, 14 August 2011
I woke up late. Couldn't sleep last night, felt like my legs had been stabbed by an icy cold knives. Either because I spent too much time in the water or been too close to the floor hahaha
Anyway, Sin were going to take me to eat some shark satay and we're going there Balinese's style hihihi 2 lovely ladies wearing lovely dresses on the back of a motorcycle. 30 minutes ride and here we were.
didn't understand balinese language but pretty sure it said arjuna road ;p
shark satay (they tasted like tuna)
seafood satay - shrimp, squid, and shark meat
After that we went back to her place, take some nap and rest a while before went to Bali Tangi to get some reflexology. It was a lovely little place. Decorated in purple color. They sold many hand made soaps, massage oils, scrubs, etc which they produced by themselves.
My therapist was very skilled and had no mercy if I might say. He twisted and turned my arms, my legs, my waist, anything that can be twisted and turned here and there. It's huuurt!!! He made a really clear point that I need to do more exercises. Aiiiiyaaaah...
Then, Sin took me to Seminyak Square to eat some ice cream, a very cheap and generous one hihihi after that we went to double six beach to meet WW and Xur (WW's husband) and Xur's capoeira friends.
great way to end the day, watching sunset...

...and enjoy the sound of the sea :)
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