Day 16 - Inspiration
They're everywhere!

Day 17 - Fave Plant
Love at first sight :)

Day 18 - Just A Doodle
Somehow she just popped out of my mind. I hope I drew her right... She's all pink ay? My favorite Pretty Soldier :)

Day 19 - Something New
I missed a couple day hix I already drew the related topic but didn't have time to upload it :(
so here's my something new, small cake spatula, haven't got the time to used it though...

Day 20 - Something Orange
Pirates of Caribbean bandana, I used it to cover my printer hehe

Day 21 - Something You Want
I want mixer, table, oven, I want to travel the world, I want Harry Potter Books and DVD set, Friends DVD set...
I want so many thing and I just realize, to pursue all that, I need MONEY!!! So...
I want MONEY...!!! Hahahaha

Day 22 - Something You Miss
Today's drawing challenges hahahaha

Day 23 - Something You Need
A new wallet hahaha my old one is a bit dirty and yellow-ish and torn in a few places

Day 24 - A Couple

Day 25 - Scenery
The lonely cotton candy cherry blossom tree, the clear night sky, and the moon...

Day 26 - Something You Don't Like

Day 27 - Someone You Love
My silly mom :D

Day 28 - Anything You Like
I like the atmosphere at my living room around 3-5 PM. The breeze... The light... The sound of the wind chime... So peaceful :)

Day 29 - Place(s) You Want To Go
Venice, Japan, and of course, Hogwarts :D

Day 30 - A Congratulation Banner For Finishing The Challenges
Thank you, thank you very much... You all too kind..
*ngayal ngimpi ga jelas* ;p
i love your drawrings i wish i could draw like that *sigh* :)