2 more days before the end of Little Betsy Baker’s Halloween Cake Pops Competition and I just sent my entry this morning fufufu
I started to collect every info that I need to make cake pops on Wednesday night (http://www.bakerella.com/. She’s so talented!!!), bought some ingredients and preparing the paper dolls. I made a draft of the halloween character I want to make, which character with which colored coating and which colored fondant to use. This is what I hope my Cake Pops to be...

I baked on Thursday morning and continue until late night. This is my first time make cake pops and like most of first timer, everything was a disaster hahaha
First, I couldn’t coat the cake pops smoothly. I dipped it again and again. And I also used palette knife but it didn’t do much help. I guess there’s something wrong with my candy melts, or maybe it’s just my-stupid-self hahaha
Second, some cake balls slide from the top of the stick to the styrofoam. And I was just thinking, “why did I put it upside down?” hahaha it was midnight and I couldn’t think straight.
Third, I didn’t know to make each cake pops really took time, in the end of the day I only manage to decorate 10 cake pops of 5 characters :(
Fourth, this morning, when I want to take their pictures, THEY FELL!!! OOOHHH NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!
I already sticked them to their cupcakes, put them on the tray so I can remove them from the dining table to living room (my living room at morning has more sunlight than dining room, so I can took better picture). They fell a second before they arrived at my DIY tabletop studio huhuhuhuhu
If you looked closely, you’ll notice that the vampire head’s were oval and he’s a little bit shorter than the others. The mummy’s stick pass through his head. And Frankenstein, oh Frankenstein, dear Frankenstein, the accident hit him hardest. He broke his left leg, lost his bolts, and cracked his head. But he’s ok. He’s ok. He’s one true survivor. Strong Frankenstein he is.
Hahahahahaha trick or treat…!!!
