It's been 2 weeks since I bought new tools from Wilton's. And 2 days ago, I though it will be a right time to go and play with them. Since today is my bro's birthday and a friend of mine are going back to States, I promise her to bake cupcakes with the Wilton's tool decoration that she brought for me before she left.

I always think my brother as a monkey and also called him that coz he never stand still, sit still, or just be quite. Maybe thats why he loves parkour. Anyway, happy birthday, Nyet. Getting older hope you can get wiser.

The first thing that came from the new fondant ribbon cutter.

And these came from the decorative punch. That's a toy in the middle of mini cuppycakes, a solar toy named Googly. It's quiet a coincidence that the theme color of the mini cuppycakes matched with her.