I don't know how to start this blog so maybe I just tell you a little bit about myself. I like to watch movies, reading, and drawing, sometimes baking, others doing some art and craft project but not writing hahaha... My writing skill's very poor so please forgive me for the grammars and oh so little vocabulary and maybe if I lost you in my blabbering ;p
Couple of weeks ago, my childhood friend from Perth came and I though it was a good time to try my new buttermilk and green tea powder which I purchased from some Food Festival. Time to bake mini cupcakes :D
I love mini cupcakes! They're so tiny. You can put them in your mount in just 1 bite. Munch munch munch and the next thing you know, you already finished 4 of it hahaha...
Turned out that the buttermilk powder make a flat surface. It didn't give the dough more power to rise than the green tea powder *sigh* but the smell sure build up the appetite hihihi...
A little whipped cream, color sprinkles and voila!

And here's for fun :D

I ran out of whipped cream for the big cupcakes hahaha...